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Hama Bluetooth audio receiver/handsfree do vozidla -13%

Hama Bluetooth audio receiver/handsfree do vozidla

- Bluetooth prijímač s mikrofónom pre príjem hudby cez Bluetooth a jednoduché telefonovanie - umožň..

17,90€ 15,55€

Hama Bluetooth FM transmitter pre autorádio, 2x USB port, mSD -16%

Hama Bluetooth FM transmitter pre autorádio, 2x USB port, mSD

- pre univerzálny rádiový prenos signálu telefónu/ tabletu do autorádia a rýchle nabíjanie zariadení..

22,99€ 19,32€

Hama ISO Release Key, 2 pieces  (Opel/Blaupunkt) -15%

Hama ISO Release Key, 2 pieces (Opel/Blaupunkt)

- Release tool for pulling out and removing radios - Suitable for Blaupunkt Technical Details: - Su..

4,99€ 4,23€

Hama Short Rod Antenna, universal -23%

Hama Short Rod Antenna, universal

- Antenna for receiving AM and FM radio stations - Can be swivelled by 180° due to the ball joint, t..

24,90€ 19,18€
